Would You Eat Something Called Paper Clip-Carved Hot Dog Waffles?

We all know that there is a fine line between intriguing and repulsive. There's a video going viral right now of a recipe for HOT DOG WAFFLES and whatever you think that involves, you're wrong. Here are the steps. First you carve hot dogs into strings of hot dog meat using a PAPER CLIP. You read that correctly, a regular paper clip. They jam the rounded end of the paper clip into one end of a hot dog, and pull it along to the other end to create meat strips. (Great band name right there...Then:

2.Beat a few eggs, add salt and pepper, then dump the hot dog strips into the egg mix.

3.Use tongs to put your hot dog-egg combo in a WAFFLE MAKER.

4.Cook them until you have hot dog waffles, then stack them on a plate.

5.Dump cheddar cheese into a pot, add Heineken beer, then melt it to make beer cheese.

6.Pour the melted cheese ALLOVER the hot dog waffles.


The question we have is...will/would you eat something like this?

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