Hard To Believe The Best Moment In Reality TV Is 12 Years Old

Think about some of the iconic moments that happened on television...it could be Neil Armstrong setting foot on the surface of the moon. It could also be the Miracle On Ice from the 1980 USA Hockey team. For us, the biggest, best moment, happened on the Amazing Race just 12 years ago. That's right, we said the Amazing Race. Remember the episode where they had to shoot watermelon in what was an oversized water balloon launcher? And instead of firing the watermelon at the knight's armor, the watermelon came back a smashed into the woman's head? That's only PART of the best moment on TV. The best moment is when the clearly concussed woman's partner tells her she HAS TO FINSIH. Then wraps this iconic moment by saying, "They don't call it the Amazing Race for nothing". This is one of the best moments on TV ever.

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