Make-A-Wish's Summer Of Wishes FUNdraising Challenge With 106.5 The End

106.5 The End and Make A Wish of Central and Western Carolina have teamed up for “A Summer Of Wishes-FUNdraising Challenge” and we need YOUR help! This summer, bring hope to waiting wish kids and celebrate the impact of wishes that our local community have helped grant.

Meet 106.5 The End Wish Kid, Kahlil. Kahlil, a 12-year-old boy from Indian Trail who loves BMX, soccer, chess, the “Hamilton” soundtrack, and grilled pineapple. As a newborn, Kahlil was diagnosed with a blood disorder. At two years old, full body pain attacks began that would leave him bedridden for a week. Over the years, Kahlil has had many hospitalizations and has worked diligently with his care team at Levine Children’s to manage his disease, so that he can enjoy a normal childhood as much as possible. His wish to go to Hawaii was granted. There, Khalil enjoyed the great outdoors, a variety of Hawaiian activities like surfing, ziplining and hiking, and a celebratory visit with his family. Kahlil’s health took a turn for the better recently. He underwent a major medical procedure, spending 45 days in the hospital. The life -changing procedure was a bone marrow transplant, and the donor was his older sister, Kaavy. The transplant was successful, and his blood disorder has since ceased. We are so inspired by Kahlil's journey and his sister's gift of health. And we remain grateful to the donors who help make possible life -changing wishes for children with critical illnesses.

“It has been a once-in-a-lifetime experience, celebrating our brave survivor.” – Mili, wish parent

Because of the generosity of you and countless others in Charlotte and the Carolinas, Kahlil has had his wish granted which changed his life forever. Now, let’s strive to bring more wishes to life because a wish is something that creates hope, not only for the wish kid, but also for his or her family – at a time when they need it most. Make A Wish of Central and Western Carolina is currently on track to granting more wishes this year than last, but for many reasons, the cost of an average wish has grown to approximately $7,500. Join us today to grant a life-changing summer to 23 wish kids in waiting. Wishes need you! You can change their lives now HERE:

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