This Teacher's Letter Will Make You Ugly Cry

Being a parent is the second hardest job ever, in my opinion, and only second because of the love, sweat and tears our teachers pour into our children. Teachers have THE hardest job- remaining steadfast and patient in the midst of sometimes pure insanity; teaching our kids everything from alphabet basics to how to think critically about who we are and the world in general. Sure, we as parents should also do our part but where would we be without teachers? A friend posted this note from a 31 year old man and I had to share. Just weeks after the birth of his first child, he received a letter and gift in the mail from his Kindergarten teacher. It was written for his brand new baby girl, Ella. This gave me all the feelings and a little kick of perspective that I really needed today. So take a minute, lock yourself in some private space, and read it. When you're finished, clean your face, go buy some extra school supplies, hug a teacher and call your mother.

Link to the full Reddit post here.

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