These Listeners are Living Their Best Lives

The Woody and Wilcox Show is a crazy place to live and work. We say ridiculous things and generally speaking, solve none of the worlds problems for four hours a day. It's a good time and I love it when listeners get in on the craziness. Long ago, we somehow convinced actual credentialed professional sports broadcaster Justin Kutcher to work WW Show catch phrases into his game calling.  It's a weird life when you hear something that you said on the radio taken out of context and then repeated during the commentary of a sporting event (Who's eating tuna? For $5 you can smell it!) So strange. My parents are just so proud.

A few weeks back, we asked Justin to work "heavy pine cones" into his broadcast of the Penn State/Illinois game. (Back story on heavy pine cones: a reporter mentioned that post-Florence looters were throwing "heavy pine cones" at him because they didn't want to be filmed committing a crime. We couldn't let it go. Watch that here.) As always, Justin came through. But the best part is that now this has become a THING, at least for two of our most dedicated listeners. Here's the video of them, the moment they heard Kutcher throw "heavy pine cones" into the commentary. Thank you for your dedication, Lucas and Spencer. You are nearly doing the Lord's work.

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