Would You Do This Halloween Challenge for $300?

Halloween has been here since what, mid July? Seems like it. But now that it's legitimately almost October, the Halloween festivals, pranks and shenanigans are popping up left and right. Six Flags over St. Louis is promoting Fright Fest this year with their "Coffin Challenge". Here's the deal: you lay in a coffin for 30 hours. I'm guessing it's a closed coffin (can you still breathe when it's closed?) and mostly sure it's not also in a grave (because, death). You get a pillow, your blanket, a cell phone, one bathroom break per hour and at some point they'll feed you. If it's quiet in this scenario, sign me up. I need to sleep for about 30 hours just to feel semi alive again. I believe though all of the contestants will be on display in some way because who doesn't want strange people watching you lay in a coffin for 30 hours? If you complete the challenge, you get $300, Season Passes, some Fright Fest memorabilia...and...YOU GET TO KEEP THE COFFIN. WTF?!?!? How creepy is that and what do you do with it for the rest of your actual life? I'm so freaked out by the entire premise of winning my own coffin.  But if that sort of thing gets you going, 6 contestants will be chosen to compete October 13-14.  If you've ever said to yourself, 'I'd love to go to St. Louis and spend 30 hours in a coffin in a local amusement park," this is your moment. Full details here. 

Coffin Challenge

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