Ellen Forced Her Producer Into a Haunted House and It's Halloween Magic

This morning, Woody gave us a detailed and unnecessary description of a haunted house. (I think we all understand what a haunted house is, Woody.) But somewhere in there, he claimed that haunted houses these days are scarier than ever....Maybe? I'm not sure. I don't think I've been to a haunted house since college when somebody other than my boyfriend grabbed my ass in the dark. I'm okay with being scared in the dark but not okay with being groped by strangers. I've been passing ever since. But 'tis the season for scaring yourself to death, so Ellen (DeGeneres...does she even need a last name anymore?) sent her executive producer into the Haunted Maze at Universal Studios. Apparently she does this every year because he hates it so much and now I understand why. It's hilarious to watch other people be scared nearly to death. Does it make me a bad person to laugh this hard??? This year, Chrissy Teigen went along with producer Andy and the footage is Internet gold. So, good luck out there with your Halloweening...make sure nobody catches you on camera.

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