Band Name - Song
Oceanic - You
Michael Tracy - Still Got Soul
The Menders - Where Are You Now
Jason Scavone - Can't Stay Here
Head and the Heart - Missed Connection
Clay Howard & The Silver Alerts - Getting Closer
JaggerMouth - Strange People
Caroline Keller Band - Trouble
Christina Taylor - Loser
Glass Mansions - Tunnel Vision
Prowess - Bring Your Love
The Bleeps - Enegy (Taking Over)
Matt Carlson - NonSynthetic
Brother Oliver - I Rely On Everything
The Eyebrows - Pent up Things That Die in the Light
Meg Myers - Running Up The Hill
DownTown Abby & The Echoes - All You Gotta Do
Ish - Examination
Hipgnostic - Not What You're Used To
Fiftywatt Freight Train - Whiskey & Hate
Fear Until Fury - Pharisee
The Hawthornes - Dances In The Rain
Cline - Heartbeats
Party Battleship - Exit Sideways
It's Snakes - Smoke
Sunday Boxing - Hot Water