So, it's a confusing time that we're living through, to say the least. With the Mecklenburg County order to "Stay at Home" upon us, there are many questions about what is and is not allowed while staying at home. Is it okay to go outside? What about public spaces? Do I have to stay in my backyard? While the details on what's allowed and what's open will vary depending on your sheltering location, there are some tips for getting some fresh air without being yelled at. We've seen the yelling and shaming happening across social media. How does that work if you venture out for a run? Here's the gist: don't congregate in groups (from 3 to 10 depending on where you live), use common sense and keep your distance (6 feet seems to be the recommendation here). And please stop trying to shame people through ranting and yelling on social media. Maybe get outside for some fresh air instead.