Cele-bear-ate National Hug Day With Build-A-Bear

Most people know that I am not a fan of hugs so, naturally, I would not be a fan of National Hug Day.  But wait!  In celebration of the holiday on January 21, Build-A-Bear is having a two-day sale.  Now you know that is something that I can get behind!  On Sunday, January 20, and Monday, January 21, you can get a bear for just $5.50.  Take it from me-that is a great deal!  Only three bears are part of the special but they are super adorable.  And you still have to pay for any extras, like shoes, clothes, etc.

On a side note, January 21 is also Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.  In his honor, you should do something nice for someone.  Like not hugging people who don't want to be hugged!

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