We all know somebody with a mental illness. A friend, a family member, a co-worker. You may not know exactly who that person is but somebody in your life is effected by mental illness. According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, one in five adults in America experiences a mental illness. Many people don't talk about it because of the bad connotations the phrase "mental illness" has associated with it. The purpose of Mental Health Awareness Month is to remove the stigma associated with mental illness and to make conversations about mental health the norm.
Mental health focuses on your psychological and emotional well-being. Types of mental illnesses include depression, anxiety, panic attacks, and bipolar disorder. If something were wrong with you physically, you would go to the doctor, right? So if something is wrong with your mental health, you should seek help as well. That's were the stigma comes in. People don't want to be classified as "crazy". But neglecting your mental health is just as dangerous as neglecting your physical well-being.
How do you know if you, or someone you know, is dealing with mental illness? To read about some signs and symptoms of mental illness, click here.
This month, let's open a conversation about mental health, mental illness, and breaking the stigma!