Mental Health During These Times

There is so much going on in our world today. A pandemic, protests, high unemployment rates on top of all the other stuff you have to deal with in your life. It can all be overwhelming. During these times, make sure you take care of your mental health. Here are some tips I gathered from the CDC and NAMI, the National Alliance on Mental Illness.

Step away from the news, radio, and social media: While it is good to be informed about what is going on in the world, being constantly inundated with information can be stressful and depressing. Take a break from it all! Set time limits to be on social media.

Ge some exercise: Take a walk, do some yoga, just get moving!

Do fun things with your free time: Organize your house, do puzzles, read books, watch movies. You could even learn a new skill but don't stress yourself about it. Remember, this is supposed to be fun and relaxing.

Stay connected: While you may not be able to be with your friends or family in person, use technology to keep in touch. My college friends and I have a group Face Time chat every Saturday. You can use Zoom, Skype, etc. Or you can keep it simple and just text or call.

Ask for help: If it ever gets to be too much, ask for help. Don't suffer alone. You can call the NAMI helpline at 1-800-950-6264, the National Suicide Prevention Hotline at 1-800-273-8255 or your local religious organization.

For me, NAMI has been a wonderful resource for mental health information in general. Check out there website at

Be safe, be healthy, be happy!

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