When Woody and Wilcox argue over something silly, it rarely turns out to benefit anyone. This is one case where you can benefit from that silly argument, but so can a great charity in Purple Heart Homes. Here's the deal...You get to prove Woody wrong with this one. After Wilcox bought a custom mouse pad and was giddy about it, Woody said that, "NO ONE USES A MOUSE PAD ANYMORE". Woody seems to think that the mouse pad has gone the way of Ask Jeeves, Compact Discs, and Walkmans. But you have proved him wrong with your pictures on Twitter and Instagram, and now here's your chance to prove him wrong with your own Wilcox Mousepad Club Mousepad. Plus all the proceeds benefit our friends at Purple Heart Homes. They are a great charity that helps out service connected veterans by modifying their homes, installing ramps, and so much more. Let your money do good, and help prove that Woody is an idiot. Get your Mousepad by clicking on this link HERE
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