There is a scam sweeping our nation and you need to know about it. It's like busking, but they're FAKING IT. As a matter of fact, one report calls it "finger-syncing," as a play on lip-syncing. Depending on where you are, it's not illegal to perform in public for tips, and it's not illegal to mime playing an instrument. There's also nothing dangerous about it, and no one is FORCING anyone to toss them some spare change. Also, this isn't really new. If you Google "pretending to play violin," reports and videos from years ago pop up. But some law enforcement sources claim these scammers could be part of some kind of traveling, organized group that's hustling people out of their hard-earned money. One local news station found one of these "finger-syncers" outside a Target in Tampa. He had a sign that said he was a father of three, and needed money for food and rent . . . and when the reporter exposed him as a fraud, he claimed he couldn't speak English and packed up and left. By the way, It's unclear why they would choose the violin, since violins aren't cheap, and they aren't easy to fake. Anyway, just be on HIGH ALERT . . . I guess.
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